
 别名:James LeGros,James Le Gros James Legros  性别:暂无  地区:美国  身高:  体重:  星座:金牛座  血型:未知  生日:1962-04-27  出生地区:美国 明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯

It isn't hard to make James LeGros bust a gut laughing. Just call him Brad Pitt. Okay, so he doesn't get $6 million a film or have his photo air-kissed by legions of swooning schoolgirls during recess. But if you've caught LeGros' quirky personality, you may wonder why he's still toiling away. But this Minnesota native, despite being tight-lipped on Pitt, LeGros will happily chitchat about his career. LeGros says he isn't very "LA", although he did live there for a short while.

